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Brownie Web Rules

This is a safety code for Brownies


I promise that

[1] I will agree with my parent[s]/guardian[s]rules for me using a computer and The World Wide Web.

[2] I will not give my address or telephone number with out permission

[3] I will not give my school's name and address without permission.

[4] I will say 'No'if anyone who I've met on the World Wide Web wants to meet me ' unless my parent[s]/guardian[s]have agreed and will go with me

[5] I won't put my photograph on a website.

[6]I will tell my parent[s]/guardian[s] or a teacher if I discover somthing on the World Wide Web which worries or upsets me.

With thanks to Girl Scouts of America for the inital ideasin this warning . This code was published in Brownie magazine 7/2000